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Akashic Records 
The Akashic Records is a library of knowledge.
It is where the lessons are, in which you need to learn to become clear on your soul's purpose.  
It is your own personal book of life. A place where you can access everything your soul has experienced over the ages. And, the place to experience in the future age. It is a storehouse of all information for every individual who is ever lived on Earth. The Akashic records are found in the Fifth Dimension, a Higher Realm. The Akashic records help us on our journey and they give us the knowledge to apply to our ‘here and now.’ The knowledge that touches us in a deep level.
Often people contact Ellie for an Akashic reading when they have to make a difficult decision, or they are at a crossroads in their life. The knowledge Ellie receives will allow you to feel equipped to deal with a situation you are faced with. It may be you are unsure on how to improve a relationship or be unsure whether to stay in a relationship.  It could be work related or it could be family dilemmas.
Equally people may be contacting their Akashic records for peace and stability. Some people may not have a particular problem they want to solve, but decide to consult the Akashic records for other reasons.
The Akashic Records can be a very peaceful experience for some people and knowing the place never changes can make it feel a refuge for an ever-changing world.  It can give us a sense of being emotionally stable and help us free from anxiety. Each person has their own Book of Life In the Akashic records and this contains everything about the present, past and future lives.
Everyone is as important and everyone deserves a sense of individuality, self-esteem and self-knowledge.
Ellie’s gift to connect to the Akashic Records is a valuable resource. Ellie will deliver the messages she receives from the Higher Realm and discuss each message with you and how it reflects on your life.
Consultation is 1 hr  (additional time may occur at no extra cost) and can be here in the Snug or over Zoom.

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